Hello there!
Again, it's been a little while, but it has been a crazy few weeks. Finals are this week, but I'm pretty much done. Last week was the worst. Ugh. Thank God summer is almost here!
So, I got an internship at the Alpine Theatre Project this summer! I'll be their stage managing intern, which is really awesome. I hear it'll be hard core and I'll be super busy, but I'm ready. Haha. I'm pretty used to spending all day in a theatre, so it'll be alright. I hope. :)
I move to New York in about 3 months. Hooooly Shit. That's kind of scary. haha. Actually, I had a break down tonight because of it. I was at this 10 Minute Play Festival we had at the college and I was watching the play that I directed and I started thinking about how this was my last show with them, and how I'm going to miss my cast-who are really close friends of mine-and all that, aaaand I started sobbing. It was ridiculous. I cried like 3 more times after that too. Ugh. Me and my emotions. I just get so attached to the people I work with in the theatre, and I'm seriously going to miss them all. A lot.
I'm not sure if I have much more to say besides all that. I'll try super hard to keep you updated more often, and I'm sure I'll have a lot to talk about with working with ATP. Eeek. I'm excited!
Hope you're all well.
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