Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Princess Procrastination

Slacker Bree. Slacker Bree.

Actually. Not really slacker Bree. Finals-are-coming-thus-frantically-putting-it-off-because-it-all-stresses-her-out Bree. That's how I cope. I pretend it doesn't exist. haha. Actually I'm more doing that with the idea of packing all of my shit up. I hate packing. Grrrr. So when I'm not working on my finals, working, or sitting in class, I'm...drinking. Just kidding. That was just Friday. Which caused me to spend Saturday lying in my bed, because if I moved just a little bit, I felt extremely nauseous. And, well, I try to refrain from drinking on school nights. But not always. hahaha. I remember finals week spring semester freshman year. While everyone had final tests to study for, Theatre Major Bree who-disregarded-most-of-her-gen-eds-freshman-year chilled in her room drinking screw drivers. I remember that we had a handle of Nikolai, which actually lasted us quite a while by freshman standards, but that was probably only because Nikolai is nasty shit.

So enough on my alcoholism that doesn't exist. Let's talk summer. I love me some summer. Though I will miss the city these next three months, I am excited to back home, be outdoors, be with mis amigos. I'm also excited to miss out on the humidity. If there's one thing I hate, it's that.

Bads news bears though. I have to get a real job. Boo. No theatre, or work study job, which are the only types that I've had the past 3 years. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I will never live in Kalispell ever again. It's not right to hate your work. Haha.

Cabaret update: Nothing new. Except final project wise. Still procrastinating on writing that grant.

I'm boring. I need to stop boring you. I'm gonna go writes me a song. (Still procrastinating...)


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Tonight is American Idiot's closing night on Broadway. You may not care, and perhaps you think that a Green Day musical would be stupid. Let me tell you, it's not. Granted, it's right up my alley-rock musical? Hell fuckin yes. But it's really a crazy good show. And even though it's closing, it's going to go on tour, so definitely try seeing it if it comes to a town near you.

I've been listening to the entire cast album today. "21 Guns" is my favoooooriiiiite. I'm in love with it. The entire album is fantastic, though, and I've never been a huge Green Day fan. A song here and there, ya know? You can find a lot of bootlegs (naughty, naughty) on youtube, so you should try to check some out. :)

Now, I'm going back to my grant writing.


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Procrastination is also an art I'm really good at.

Have I told you how excited I am for the cabaret? haha.
I applied for a $1000 grant today. Really for reals did it. Even if we don't get it, I did it. I impress myself sometimes. Taking initiative. That's what's up. However, it wasn't set up like a regular grant application, so I still have to write one of those for the project. Procrastinating because I don't know where to start. Woot Woot. Google's gonna tell me how to though.

Then I'll start bull-shitting a paper on Grotowski, while using his ideas on a certain play of my choosing through an actor's lens. Makes sense? Yeah. Me either. hahaha. I have to read up on the dude, because, I'm going to be completely honest here, I do bare minimum reading for my classes. For instance, we have certain things to read for my Theatre Theory class each day, but I read one part and write my one-page paper on that. For my Collaborating In and Beyond Music class, I get the set of questions for the quizzes (a usually mythical thing at Lang), and skim the readings to find the answers. That's how I do yo. I have an attention span of a two-year old when I'm supposed to read school-texty stuff. And two-year olds can't read. Unless they're utter geniuses. I'll give that to you. School is stupid. That's what I think. hahaha. I shouldn't be complaining. At least I don't have final tests or any of that shit. Again, most of Lang doesn't believe in those nasty things. I love my school. hahaha. And yes, I'm procrastinating it all by writing this blog.

Now, on Easter Eve, I will continue to persevere on these final projects. Hopefully. Perhaps I'll be more motivated tomorrow? Weekends are too short. And I have 3 day weekends. Sheesh. I'm telling you. I have the attention span of a two-year-old. I suck at this game. On more year, that's it! :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

An Artist

Most artists feel alone in the world, and desperately seek connection.

My Theatre Theory professor said that this morning, and goddamn is it true. People may think that "connection" would be switched with "attention," but I don't believe that's the case. I don't do things to make people pay attention to me, but rather to listen to me, and to connect with me. I want them to understand where I am coming from, and who I am. Very few people actually know who I am. They know my name, but they don't know what I'm about. Artists get this connections by the going through rehearsal processes, and working together. Collaboration. That's why your artists seem to stay in their little cliques. It's who they connect with the easiest. I mean, most of my friends are involved in theatre or music. I met them through doing those things. It's extremely difficult for me to connect to people without the art. I'm just so invested in what I do that it's hard to step out of that world.

I think that's what makes someone want to be an artist-a need to escape loneliness, but that can backfire too. They spend all their time trying to connect through their art that they find themselves too busy for an actual relationship. Platonic relationships are usually fine, but a relationship with a lover takes more energy. I am guilty of this. I'd rather focus on what I'm doing with my life as an artist, rather than get involved with someone. But I will admit that it does get lonely, but I just stifle those feelings with comatosing myself with music and theatre. I have faith though that one day I will chill the fuck out, and actually start giving my love life a chance. I am, like, the world's most guarded person though, so it's going to take a little work. haha. But I'm not too worried yet.

I'm starting to like this term "artist" more and more lately. At first I was hesitant to use it to describe myself, but you know what? That is what I am. If someone has this much passion for something, and actually has the fire in them to go after that, you can't take that title away from them. This is what I'm going to do it, and everything else can suck it!



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Head Bangin'

Well. I went crazy today. And by "crazy," I mean I'm stressed. It wouldn't be so stressful if this cabaret was hypothetical, but, Bitch, it is not.

People can joke, and not act serious about it, but somebody has to do something, and that someone is me. You may say "Oh well, it's not til January," but I'm going to bet you don't know what all one has to do to get events up and running. Not to mention I'm going to be in New York for four months in between! AKA. Shit's got to get done this summer! I take everything I do theatre and music-wise VERY seriously. So if you're not as dedicated as I believe you need to be, and if you don't take it seriously (being late, FLAKY) I will seriously kick you in the fucking throat. I'm a perfectionist, and if I'm running this joint, I am going to make damn sure it turns out perfect. But it will be fun too. I mean, I've worked my ass off for productions, and I still had the time of my life. If you love something, you can take it seriously and have fun at the same time.

So my plan this week is to talk to everyone who said they're interested, and see what they think about auditions-or if they have any suggestions for guys interested in joining us. Then I'm going to call on some spaces to put on the show for two nights-January 5th and 6th. Those are tentative, but I believe those are the best dates. I AM IN SEARCH OF REHEARSAL SPACES FOR THE SUMMER. IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ME. Thanks. :)

I'm also hashing out the budget. I think that's been scaring me the most. Right now it's at $6,000, but I feel like maybe I'm jipping people because I don't know what I'm supposed to pay them...if I can. (If anybody wants to work "in kind" that'd be awfully sweet of you...) hahaha. So I have got to get rolling on these grants (wooo wooo) because you've got to do those way ahead of time. It may be pushing it right now. Also, I'm hoping we can do a Kickstarter, which is where a lot of you can help out, by donating to our cause for incentives! I'm going to talk to Rebecca about what else we'll need to do. But it's gonna kick my ass for sure.

So I currently feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. I wish that I could get someone to rally with me, and help me out, but it takes a certain passion to give it your all. I'm working on all of my final project shit right now, but this is my greater focus. I'm going to make this happen, and when it does, I am going to feel incredible, and I'll be proud of my work, and everyone's who will be involved. I love this project so much, and I know nothing's going to happen unless YOU create it. I believe everyone needs to go out and start creating. Start doing your own art. Knock down the boundaries, and the restraints. Theatre kids don't only have to do the show the school or the big theatres are presenting, and music kids don't need to stick to concerts and events that they audition for or are invited to participate in. Create your own events. Your own spaces. Music and theatre can be done anywhere. You're only stopping yourself. Break the restraints. I feel like I'm starting up a revolution. hahaha. No, but that's what Lang and New York has taught me. And it may be one of the most important things I've ever learned in school.

I must apologize for my bitchiness today though. It's partly stress, but the other part was the fact that I had to listen to this dumb girl talk for ever and a day about boys and shit. Go back to high school. Over it. hahahaha. People drive me crazy.

Now off to research.


Monday, April 18, 2011


You know that song, "Gives You Hell?" I love that song. Whenever somebody tries to knock me down, or at least gives me the impression that they think I could never make it as an "artist," I just play that song over and over again. Bitchy? Maybe. But they'll never know about it...until I cover it when I'm famous. Hahahahaha.
But seriously, people talk to me like I don't know it's hard to make it in the theatre or music business. Trust. I KNOW. It's not going to be easy, but I never expected it to be. Ever. I'm doing this because I love it, and I honest to God cannot think of anything else I would rather do. I'm not doing any of this to be famous. I'm going to do it because it's all I want to do, and if I'm really successful by doing so, great! People are lying if they say that they don't want that. It gets them PAID. But if people are doing it solely for the recognition, they're going to be sorely disappointed. Everybody's idea of success is different, so it may be having a steady paycheck and being able to only do your art to get it, and for others it's performing for humongous crowds in Madison Square Garden, or something. None of it's wrong, but a real artist does it for the right reasons. It's about paying your dues, and doing your time. You've got to earn your spot in the business, and I don't want to do it any other way. I don't want it to be easy for me. I want people to respect me. Plus, don't songwriters need to struggle to become the best? Yep. hahahaha. So I know it's not easy. I'm gonna work my ass off. You've got to decide, though, how long you're going to work for it. Some people do it for ten years before they want to settle down and start a family, while others do it their entire lives. I don't know for myself yet, but I'm 21, and I've barely started! Right now I could care less about getting married, and having kids, but that could change. I'm not going to set a specific date. I'm going to feel it out, and work my ass off until I decide I'm done, if I ever do. WHO KNOWS? So yeah. Rant for the day. :)


Friday, April 8, 2011

Salt and Vinegar

Look at me! Only two days, and I'm doing another post! Aren't you proud of this little girl growing up?

So, I could bore you with my strange new desire to snack on salt and vinegar chips (Deep River Snacks brand) or delight myself with Diet Coke, but I don't think you'd necessarily care about any of that, so I'm just going to expand on my little cabaret...

So I don't remember what all I told you last time, but I guess I can just tell you my basic plan. I want a small, intimate stage with 10 stools, all the same height, because I'm hoping there will be 10 of us, and I'm very anal and want the same damn stools for everyone. So add that to the budget (stools, check.) I also think it would be incredibly awesome for each of us to have our own mics. This may be asking a lot though, but we're going to be shooting big here. You gotta have your dream budget, and your practical budget. What could be even more awesome? Wireless mics. Or even half and half. (Add a large budget for mics...) So each of the performers get the choice to do their own solo number, and then the rest of the time will be composed of whole group numbers, duets, trios, quintets, etc. It'll be a wide range of showtunes, some old as musical theatre itself (probably not, but we're not cutting them off), and some brand new. I'd love to do a number from a brand new musical that I just saw in previews about two weeks ago. It would be fantastic. I am a rock-musical enthusiast, so to ensure that that's not all we'll be doing, I am looking to the others to throw out some ideas. We all know that if I had my way, we'd be doing a lot of Spring Awakening, Rent, Hair, etc. Haha. I'm trying to keep it so we only do one song from any certain show. That may prove hard to do, especially with solo numbers, but we'll see. I'm really excited to get this going and settling in the numbers. It's going to be uberly awesome. Promise.

Also, if anybody knows someone (or if you are that someone) who could help me out with some design stuff, like on a website, or anything I'd need as a professional person (haha) then hit me up. I'll owe you when I become famous! :)


I'd also like to know what all y'all think of this font. I like it because it's similar to my handwriting, but I wanna know if everyone can read it.

This (link below) is like my online business card-all the ways you could ever want to get a hold of me on, minus Facebook, because I'm keeping that private, and sometime in the near future I'll create a fan page for me...once I get fans besides my mom (love you, Madre!). I'm just kidding. My friends are huge fans of me too. :)


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have to say that I've intentionally been neglecting this blog, because I have been fearing it.

Sounds ridiculous, I'm aware, but here's the dealio...

In my Practical Side of Performance class, we had this chick come in who explained that if you're going to have a blog, that you need to post at least three times a week. Now, I intend on actually doing this, but I've needed some self-preparation. I mean, I can be a really boring person, so what can I say three times a week that will make people keep flocking to this page?...I meeeaaan, I'm a terribly interesting person, and everyone in the entire world needs to read my blog religiously, or else their lives will never be complete. Yep that's what I meant. *shifty eyes*

But I will try to entertain you, and I think it'll get easier, because I'm actually going to do something. *blow the horns, stomp your feet, cheer for non-slacker Bree!*

So I bet you're shivering with anticipation (can I be sued by Rocky Horror Picture Show for saying that? I should look into that...) to learn what it is that I'm actually doing. Well, I'm pulling together a cabaret. And by "pull together," I mean meticulously plan out a ridiculously awesome cabaret to the point that it will be pulled off seamlessly. At least, that's the goal. The basic goal, but a goal nonetheless. I'm planning it for a project for my class I mentioned above, and I'm going to stage it in early January in Kalispell! I've rounded up a good set of some of my extremely talented friends, but I'm still looking for a few more to fill out our group. I'd like a real alto, but I think we'd survive without one, and I need men, preferably two basses and a tenor. But I'd take any great sounding men. :) So if you know any in the Kalispell area, hit me up.

So this cabaret is really important to me. I'd go as far to say that it's my current baby. Considering I don't have children, nor a liking towards them, we can go with this idea. I'm very protective of it, and I feel vulnerable putting it out here for all you lovers to read, but I just have to remember not to give everything away. Guess you'll have to see the show to find out what songs we're performing, and how incredibly awesome all of us are. Well, you can tell that right now, so you get one check off the list. Woohoo! You're all winners. Probably more so than Charlie Sheen, but he may beg to differ, as he's apparently "bi-winning." (Is it just me, or did you think that he was saying he was a winner because he liked both men and women? Just me? Ok, cool.)

So the cabaret...we're doing showtunes because I didn't want us to go too broad, plus we're mostly all theatre-people, or at least theatre-appreciators. I'm going to take you on my journey...it'll be like you're in the front row of a rollercoaster, which I've heard is the best seat, but I wouldn't know since I've never ridden a rollercoaster. I don't want to give too much away right now, because if I'm going to post at least 3x a week, I'm going to need to keep some juicy stuff for later. I just wanted to prepare you for this, so you can have time to steady yourselves.

But for now, I'm very hungry...possibly Bear Hungry (that's really, really hungry), so I had better go deal with that.


Monday, February 14, 2011


Today is Valentine's Day, but this fact does not matter to me. Haha. I'm single, so I'm not celebrating, but I'm not one of those single people who are bitter buffaloes about it. So many people hate on Valentine's Day because they're all jealous of people who are getting some tonight, but I don't really care. I'm comfortable in my singledom. I'm very focused on what I'm doing with my life that I'm not searching for a man. If one just popped into my life, that would be cool, but I'm not desperate for a relationship. I've never been that kind of girl. Independent woman. *cue Destiny's Child*

So 21 is going pretty damn well. I'm no alcoholic, but I have my bottle of vodka in the freezer that I turn to when I'm in the mood. I decided to try a little some in my chocolate milk. I know this probably sounds disgusting, but you don't put enough vodka in to taste it. Just enough. There's actually a real drink called Adult Chocolate Milk which uses vodka, so there. I found things online that said to use kahlua or bailey's, but those aren't in my freezer, so that makes them out of the question for now.

I'm going to be home for spring break in 3.5 weeks, which happens to fall on st. patty's day. I'm just saying that I am uber excited to celebrate this holiday with my besties. In bars. Because we're 21. haha. I feel like an adult. And it's awesome. Just being able to go to dinner and being able to order a drink is nice. haha.

So I suppose that's it right now. I'm gonna eat some chocolate and chill with the roomie. Maybe watch some Dinosaurs. Just a normal night. :)


Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm posting this during class because I'm awesome like that. It's hitting me that I actually have to get down to business and do homework now. Boooooo. Haha. I have dropped and added several classes since last week trying to find a schedule that I wouldn't want to shoot myself in the face because of it. I think I'm good now. You just have to know when you're actually going to invest yourself in something.

So my birthday were amazing. Sash, Shane and Brystal got here late because of a snowstorm here on the east coast, so they ended up driving from Chicago. Crazy shit. But they got here on the 27th, which was my birthday. So once they got here we went to dinner at Maracas, where I got my free sombrero, cake, beads and shot of tequila. what a blast. Haha
Most of the weekend consisted of showing them the city, and making sure they had a great time. It was fantastic. I wish they didn't have to leave. I wanted them to stay forever. Shane wanted to. :)

So that was a basic overview of my weekend, but I apparently have to participate, so I gotta go.


Monday, January 24, 2011


Three days until I'm 21! Woot woot! Very excited.

So I was just sitting here in my room, after a long day of classes, and I realized how much I truly love Sasha. I mean, I couldn't possibly ask for a better best friend. It sound extremely cheesy, but it's the honest-to-God truth. We're very much alike, but we're also different enough to make us not the same person. Because truth-be-told, I couldn't be friends with someone like me...I'm too much of a drama queen. An attention whore, if you'd prefer. But not so much that it's ridiculous and annoying (I don't think?). Anyway. Sasha balances me out, because she's level-headed and the nice one. Hahaha. And I balance her right back. I think that if you were to label us, she'd be the angel on your shoulder, and I'd be the devil...but not completely, because Sash has her bitch-moments, and I'm typically a fairly nice person. The thing is though that I'm more vocal about my dislikes. That's all. It's called honesty, people. haha. No. I really am I nice person, and I do care about people's feelings, but some people just really piss me off. But note, that they really had to be effing stupid to do so in the first place. Aaaaanyway. Back to Sash. I'd say that one of the most hardest things to deal with is living 2,000+ miles away from her. Seriously, when Sash and I are in the same town, we do EVERYTHING together. Oh you invited me here? Guess who else is coming. I mean, we share all our friends, so it's cool and all, plus they probably like her better. haha. It's hard to have to go to the grocery store by myself, or wherever else. Sash would always go with me. That's how we roll. Seriously. I mean, I'm a pretty independent person, except for Sash. And I feel like she's the same way. Plus I like the fact that we both make up shit, and the other just goes along with it. For example, I always make references to my boyfriend, Shaun White. She simply accepts this as reality. No one else would do that. And I do the same for her. That's why we're perfect together. haha.

So that's my lovefest.

How about some of my favorite music of the moment?

Sasha got me into Bruno Mars...Marry You and The Lazy Song are my favorite!!!!!

Aaaand...ok...totally old news, but Fuck You is my jam! It always puts me in a good mood.

Pink's Fuckin'Perfect is just that. The video is crazy. But crazy good.

I think I'm in love with Jessie James' Boys in the Summer for a couple of reasons. One, it's great to dance to and makes you so happy, and two, I miss summertime.

And of course, there's always April Smith!!!!

Ok. I got carried away. I'm sorry. But hey, you know. It's music. You're gonna listen to some anyway. haha


Monday, January 17, 2011

Not alcoholics, just 21-year-olds

Saturday marks the end of my Christmas vaca, which I'm both ok with and sad about. I'm excited to get back to the city-Kalispell leaves little room for me to play, but I'm sad to be leaving my friends and family again. It's something I'll just have to get used to since I don't see myself leaving New York anytime soon...ever. At least I have something to look forward to one week from this Wednesday and that would be Sash, Shane and Brystal coming to the city to celebrate my birthday!!!! Twenty-first on the 27th! I'm so ready to be legal. I'm the baby around here and it sucks like a bitch. And when I come home for the summer, we'll dominate the bar scene...but not to the point of alcoholism, of course. Actually. I'm thinking of getting a job as a bartender for a summer job, so we'll actually see about that. Haha.

So back to my birthday...I'm excited to celebrate it with so many great people. While they're here...well, there, we're going to sight-see since it's all of their first times in New York (yay cherry popping), and we'll be seeing some shows, and a lot of bars. Haha. Go big or go home, right? We're all very excited that bars don't close 'til 4 there, unlike here, which is 2. But again, not alcoholics.

I can't wait for them to meet my roomies, and other friends, and vice versa. Everyone has heard so much about each other though, they probably feel like they already do know each other.

Anyway, I'm beyond excited, and I'll have to share all the details with you in two weeks!

Until then...