Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have to say that I've intentionally been neglecting this blog, because I have been fearing it.

Sounds ridiculous, I'm aware, but here's the dealio...

In my Practical Side of Performance class, we had this chick come in who explained that if you're going to have a blog, that you need to post at least three times a week. Now, I intend on actually doing this, but I've needed some self-preparation. I mean, I can be a really boring person, so what can I say three times a week that will make people keep flocking to this page?...I meeeaaan, I'm a terribly interesting person, and everyone in the entire world needs to read my blog religiously, or else their lives will never be complete. Yep that's what I meant. *shifty eyes*

But I will try to entertain you, and I think it'll get easier, because I'm actually going to do something. *blow the horns, stomp your feet, cheer for non-slacker Bree!*

So I bet you're shivering with anticipation (can I be sued by Rocky Horror Picture Show for saying that? I should look into that...) to learn what it is that I'm actually doing. Well, I'm pulling together a cabaret. And by "pull together," I mean meticulously plan out a ridiculously awesome cabaret to the point that it will be pulled off seamlessly. At least, that's the goal. The basic goal, but a goal nonetheless. I'm planning it for a project for my class I mentioned above, and I'm going to stage it in early January in Kalispell! I've rounded up a good set of some of my extremely talented friends, but I'm still looking for a few more to fill out our group. I'd like a real alto, but I think we'd survive without one, and I need men, preferably two basses and a tenor. But I'd take any great sounding men. :) So if you know any in the Kalispell area, hit me up.

So this cabaret is really important to me. I'd go as far to say that it's my current baby. Considering I don't have children, nor a liking towards them, we can go with this idea. I'm very protective of it, and I feel vulnerable putting it out here for all you lovers to read, but I just have to remember not to give everything away. Guess you'll have to see the show to find out what songs we're performing, and how incredibly awesome all of us are. Well, you can tell that right now, so you get one check off the list. Woohoo! You're all winners. Probably more so than Charlie Sheen, but he may beg to differ, as he's apparently "bi-winning." (Is it just me, or did you think that he was saying he was a winner because he liked both men and women? Just me? Ok, cool.)

So the cabaret...we're doing showtunes because I didn't want us to go too broad, plus we're mostly all theatre-people, or at least theatre-appreciators. I'm going to take you on my'll be like you're in the front row of a rollercoaster, which I've heard is the best seat, but I wouldn't know since I've never ridden a rollercoaster. I don't want to give too much away right now, because if I'm going to post at least 3x a week, I'm going to need to keep some juicy stuff for later. I just wanted to prepare you for this, so you can have time to steady yourselves.

But for now, I'm very hungry...possibly Bear Hungry (that's really, really hungry), so I had better go deal with that.


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