Friday, November 26, 2010

Bree's experiment

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know about this little experiment that I'm doing. It is tentatively called "Bree's 30 Days 'Til Christmas Christmas Song Spectacular," but only because I haven't really thought of anything else to call it.
So far I've posted an explanation video, and my first video today for the Little Drummer Boy. I did it in one take, and I'm bummed because when I uploaded them the sound is off from what I'm actually saying. But I just know that I have to use something besides photobooth to record now. :)
You can check out my channel here:

So follow me, friend me, watch me. Whatever. :) It's just a fun little thing that I'm doing.

Also. I'd like you to know that it's 30 days until Christmas, and 25 days until I go home to Montana and see my bestie frienzies, and my PUPPIES and my family. :) So excited!!!

And in 2 months from tomorrow...I'll be 21. Wooohooo!

So I don't really have much to say. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I froze to death (or my feet did), but it was really neat to see.
So have a great rest of October!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Musical Influences

Ok. Guys. You really need to know who April Smith is. Remember how I said I was going to her concert? She's amazing! She sounds like she does on the cd-none of that autotune shit. Example, I love Katy Perry and her music, but she CANNOT sing live. Holy cow. SNL anyone?

But I still love her because her lyric style is very similar to mine, so she's been very influential to me. And I mean, I have to give her props. At least she DOES sing live. Too many just lip sync anymore.

Let's see. Other influences of mine would be Lily Allen and Kate Nash who also have that same kind of sassy, tongue-in-cheek style. But I've always looked up to Christina Aguilera. Her best songs aren't her singles, but the ones near the end of her cd where she just lets go. My favorites are "Keep on Singin' My Song" from Stripped and "Mercy on Me" and "Save Me From Myself" from Back to Basics.

I mean, let's be honest here. No one can out sing Christina. If I wrote one song in "Keep on Singin' My Song" or "Mercy on Me" style, I'd be happy.

Idina Menzel is another woman I look too a lot as well. Her own music is stunning, and real songs. They're funny and emotional and everything real. She wrote for herself, not what others would want, which is nice to get as a listener.

Obviously I've been influenced a lot by showtunes, but I don't usually bring that into the music I write. It's easy to separate them out, even while performing. I don't "act" when I sing outside of a theatrical setting. I mean, it's a different persona than who I am somewhat. Basically, it's me magnified and more stagey. If that makes any sense at all.

So rounding back to April Smith. I have added her as one of my influences. She's remarkable, and also has that same sassy, somewhat snarky attitude I put into my songs. "Stop Wondering" is what started this love affair. So watch and fall in love.

Absolutely amazing, right? Now go to iTunes and buy buy buy!

I hope you enjoyed all those videos :) Happy you have now expanded your musical tastes? Good.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chilly Weather

It's already November! Holy cow! I've been here almost 2 and a half months now, and I'm still loving it. It's been getting cooler here in the city, and I'm loving it because now I can wear all my cute sweaters and coats and boots and scarves! I just finished working on a show, and so now I get to focus on work and school and having fun. haha.

Today I went shopping in SoHo with my roommate and her boyfriend. It was great to get out, even though that area was heavily crowded (I try to stay away from the heavy areas, and use other streets to get from place to place.) Tonight we're going to a concert in Brooklyn. We're seeing April Smith. She's aaaaahhhhhmazing. Seriously. Check her out. My favorite song of her's is Stop Wondering. I think I like her so much because her lyrics are very similar to my style-kind of snarky, very sassy and lots of fun. Think along the lines of Katy Perry, Lilly Allen, and Kate Nash. All of whom I love.

Speaking of music...I'm taking on a music major since I'm nearly done with my requirements for my theatre degree. It'll be nice to focus heavily on music for once, but also do theatre.
School has been very bueno. Easy peasy. I'm ready for next semester. 19 credits of music and theatre! Yeah-yeah-yeah. I'm in one of those sing-songy moods, hence the weirdness of this paragraph.

So MissT was here a few weeks ago. We went and saw A Little Night Music and Fela! while she was here. Bernadette Peters was fantabulous! We stage doored afterwards for her. It was completely worth it. Life goal: complete. Fela! Was crazy, and very interesting. We also wandered through Central Park to get to The Museum of Natural History. Let's just say thank God for GPS on MissT's phone. We then went to Columbus Circle and Lincoln Center. The library there=my heaven. Hair reunion was fun. 'Twas Me, MissT, Byron, Matt, Ann, Adrienne and Rob. No Fabio, no Eric...sad story. :( But it was so good to see everyone who was there.

In 10 days my mama will be here. Let's just say I'm very very excited!!!!! I miss my family so much, especially mi madre. I also miss my baby puppies, but alas, I have to wait until December 21st. :( Every dog I see makes me miss them more, and I have to remind myself not to touch strangers' dogs. They probably wouldn't be as accepting of this practice as they are in Montana.

So...that's all that seems new I think...I'll try and remember to let you know how the concert goes. :)
