Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rants and Raves

This week has started off better. I lost a pound yesterday, and two today. Equally 21 lbs total. Not bad for two weeks, I think. I just need to keep this up for 4 more weeks. Ok, I think I'm getting into the swing of things. And boy, have I drank a shit ton of water. Haha. 64 oz a day. And I was a bad water drinker before. I tried to drink a bottle a day but it usually didn't happen. It's been good for other parts of me too, including my skin and my voice. My singing has become clearer, which is good.

So my best friend, Lula, and I have decided that we cannot wait to dye Easter eggs. She suggested that we post pictures on facebook and tag this guy we unfortunately know in them. See, he's of a religion (I don't know a specific name for it, but it's a mix of beliefs) that is against such thing. He has tried to make a point to us that he believes most holidays are evil because they began as Pagan holidays. Now, I'm all for believing different things but he has issues because 1) he tries to push his religion on others (he says he doesn't, but he has done it to me and several of my friends) and 2) he believes he is absolutely right, everyone else is wrong and what he knows is the "truth." I'm sorry, if I offend anyone, but NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH. It's all faith, and faith is believing in something that can't necessarily be proven. He says he goes by the Bible, but honestly, the Bible was written by men-men who have personal biased. Not saying that the Bible is a great tool, but I can't live my life directly by it. The Bible also allows slavery, but we all know that slavery is wrong, now don't we? He just pisses me off because he just knows everything. Bull shit. Also, he brainwashed my friend. He says he never pressured her to change but before they started dating he told her that he didn't believe that they could work out if they had different beliefs. She was smitten with him, and never had dated anyone. She wanted to be with him, so of course that put pressure on her! Then there is the fact that she was going to go to college two hours away, but he is unwilling to ever move out of town and told her that they probably wouldn't work if they were separated. It's TWO hours. Seriously? That's not pressure? So what happens? They start dating. TWO months later, they get engaged. Her parents tell her that if they wait a year, they will help them pay for it. They don't because she wanted to get out of her parent's house (she would have gone to school in less than a month, thus being out of the house) and they get married three weeks after the engagement. RIFUCKINGDICULOUS. Now she has changed completely. She has taken on his beliefs, his everything. She is not even close to the same person. And now she's pregnant even though they live in his parent's house and work minimum wage jobs. They did it on purpose because they knew God would help them with finances. Um. I believe that God will help us, but you also have to help yourself. God can't do a whole lot for your money issues if you can't even support the two of you. Jesus Christ.

Sorry. That is my rant. It really fires me up. Call me a bitch. Call me whatever, but it's just a bad situation. Everyone knows it, but there's nothing we can do about it. I had to remove myself from the situation. I can't be around them. Besides, I don't want religion shoved down my throat constantly.

Phew. Done. Haha. I can't wait for spring break-two weeks! Well, I guess next Friday (the one after this one) I'm going to Helena for my best friend, Jacerai's birthday. I'm pretty excited to see everyone there. Lula's coming with me. She loves them too. And they love her. :) Then we're going to Dillon to see our friend, Kelly. Then we'll spend the rest of the week dying eggs, and seeing movies and writing music. Sounds like a plan to me!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

I can be pretty random, can't I?

So this week hasn't been very good for my diet. Or my will power. Probably was the cheeseburger and fries. Then I stole movie theatre popcorn from my cousin when we saw a movie because it's the best stuff in the world, and then I ate cheerios for breakfast. Damn myself. So I've plateaued. Damn it. Oh well, I'll fix and get my cravings under control. Usually it's just for a pb&j.

So moving on.

Have I told you that I'm in love with Shaun White? He's gorgeous and pretty badass. His hair...well, I'm freaking jealous. I know that's random, but I was just looking at my phone which has a picture of his new Rolling Stone cover on it. Hot. Go get it. :)

So Friday and Saturday I volunteered to run the sound board for this one man show that was coming to the college. His name is Hank Wittemore. The show is him talking about how he believes Edward de Vere is the real author of Shakespeare's, rather than the man from Stratford. It's pretty interesting and makes sense to me. Between him and my Shakespeare teacher, I'm pretty much convinced. It was my first time running board, but it was easy since there was only one mic. R showed me, and J showed me how put a mic on an actor so that I could could be one of their sound techies. I'm really going to miss it there next year. I feel like I totally fit there, and am respected, and am seen as a real theatre person. It's a total 360 from last year at Carroll. It's why I left because I just didn't click in there. I'm not afraid to get involved here or ask questions when I don't know. And I mean, how many other places can you be so comfortable with a teacher that they call you a slut? Haha. R called me that. It made me laugh because I'm not. :) I'm his stage manager for Evil Dead so I can give him a hard time-and I do. I'm really just comfortable there, which is just really awesome. And I love that they appreciate me. I mean, I've proved that I am dedicated, responsible and reliable, so they know they can count on me-which is great.

I wish it wasn't Sunday-don't want to go to escuela tomorrow. It's a long day. First class is at 9, last one ends at 5:20, and then rehearsal and 6. But it's cool, I'll survive. Plus I'm less likely to eat stuff I'm not supposed to when I'm at school.

I hope you all had a good morning-I don't know who I'm talking to...I don't even know if people read this...-but it you do, I hope you had fun!


Friday, March 12, 2010


I'm on a Disney kick today. My friend, Shilo, and I are listening to Disney songs in the green room here at school. They're the best of the best.

I wish I was Jasmine. Not just in a show, but in general. Live my life as Jasmine, with a pet tiger and everything. I guess I'll settle for playing her in a show. There needs to be a musical made for Broadway. Soon, I'm sure. Though I hear they are currently working on turning Dumbo into a show. Um..love Dumbo, but Aladdin would be better. Oh well, it gives me time to move to New York and lost weight so I can look hot in a Jasmine costume.
I also would love to play Belle so I could sing "oh isn't this amazing. It's my favorite part because...you'll see...here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three." That's all. haha. Though I'm probably more likely to play Belle than Jasmine. :( Ariel would be cool too.

So I don't know why I shared that, but perhaps you're interested in my future endeavors.
Since I'm on the topic of who'd I'd like to play...

Ilse in Spring Awakening.
SA is my favorite show, and I could definitely see myself as an Ilse. Her songs are right in my range, and she's such a fascinating character.

Elphaba in Wicked.
What girl doesn't want to play Elphaba? Unless they want to play Glinda. Along those same lines, would play the Wicked Witch of the West in Wiz Oz. Or Dorothy, if I must. But only for the shoes. :)

Rizzo in Grease
She has the best songs: Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee and There are Worse Things I Could Do.

Mimi or Maureen in Rent
Anything in Rent would be awesome, but either of those two would be fantastic. I mean, Maureen is so fucking fun, especially since she gets to sing "Take Me or Leave Me." Which is my soooong. But Mimi gets to sing "Light My Candle" and "Out Tonight." hmmm...

Kate Monster/Lucy the Slut in Avenue Q
Awesome songs. Would be super fun.

Olive in Spelling Bee
Fuuun. Again, fantastic songs.

Also, anyone in Hair

Lola in Damn Yankees
"Whatever Lola Wants (Lola Gets)" is one of my audition songs. It would be super fun to do.

Of course there's probably a shit ton more, but I just can't think right now. But that's a pretty good list. Should keep me busy throughout my life. Plus being in new musicals, and working on my musical career and tv shows and movies and my fashion design projects. Yes. That's the kind of person I'll be. It's not for celebrity, it's doing what I love. I think maybe I'll go to a fashion design school after I get my B.A. hmmmm. Something to think about...

I think that's all for now. Don't want to bore you too much. :)


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why, hello

Name's Bree in case you couldn't tell.
So I started to blog as a way to just talk I suppose. Maybe seem important, whatever.
I also thought it'd just be kind of fun.
My plan is to take you on my journey. Or journeys, rather.
See, I'm currently on the HCG diet. I eat 500 calories a day of certain foods and give myself a shot of HCG/B12 every morning. So far. In just over a week and a half, I've lost 18 pounds.
The reason why I'm doing this diet is because I have struggled with weight my entire life, and I'm tired of it. I hate when people say they were "overweight" and they were like, a size, 9 or something. Even size 12 or anything like that. I'd die to be a size 12. See I'm 5'9" and, at my heaviest, which was before I started this diet, I was 288 lbs. Ugh.
I have insulin resistance syndrome which plays a part in it, but I also blame my mother because I lost over 30 lbs when I went to school at Carroll last year, but gained it all back, plus some when I came back home this year. Then, of course, I blame myself because I hate vegetables and I sometimes eat when I'm bored. And it's not always bad stuff that I eat. Hell, I could just drink milk. But I just do it and not think about it, thus eat (or drink) more than I should. Not saying I don't eat bad stuff-I love french fries and Mud Pie Blizzards, but I don't chow on those constantly.
On this diet I've had some cravings-mostly for pizza and spaghetti, also pb&j sandwiches and french dips, and let me tell you, it's tough. Not gonna lie, I broke down today because I was in such a bad mood that I went to Wendy's and got a cheeseburger and fries. What I really wanted though was spaghetti and garlic bread. But I'm not a cook and it was after rehearsal tonight, so I wasn't going to ask my mom to make any. So I settled for fast food.

So beyond my dieting, because I don't want to bore you, you should know that I'm a theatre major. Here at home I help out at the high school with different shows they do and I also am involved at the college. I'm currently the stage manager for Evil Dead: the Musical. To be honest, before we started the show I thought it was the stupidest thing...I'm not really into zombies and all that shit-but the music and sexual innuendos won me over. Plus the cast is great. They all love me because I'm amazing. Haha. Just kidding. I'm surprised that I don't hate stage managing. I actually kind of like it. When they first asked me to I said no, because 1) I promised myself that I'd never be a stage manager because it's one of the shittiest jobs in the theatre and 2) I was butt hurt from not being cast. I had felt really good about my audition, but the thing is...I'm not a dancer. Oh well, I'll start taking lessons once I have some free time. Anyway, my friend, who I'll name...hmmm...I have to start thinking of good names for people (and remembering them)...I'll call him Jose. Mmmk. I don't know why, it just came to mind. So Jose kind of seduced me into becoming stage manager. Well. Not exactly, but with his egotistical charm he talked me into it. See. I love Jose, but he can be such a douche. He knows this, so it's not a problem. And he is fully aware that I love him so he can't get pissy at me. But yeah, it's because of him I'm doing this, and thus making people love me more. :)

I know I keep saying that and it makes me sound like a total bitch, but you have to understand that I'm just playing around. If you knew me, you'd know that.

So I will try to wind this up quickly about my New York plans. I plan to transfer to a school in NYC next year for theatre, and I think I'm going to take on a music minor. I'm pretty excited, and I'm just waiting to hear from them...please let them hurry! I'll let you know as soon as I find out.
