Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rants and Raves

This week has started off better. I lost a pound yesterday, and two today. Equally 21 lbs total. Not bad for two weeks, I think. I just need to keep this up for 4 more weeks. Ok, I think I'm getting into the swing of things. And boy, have I drank a shit ton of water. Haha. 64 oz a day. And I was a bad water drinker before. I tried to drink a bottle a day but it usually didn't happen. It's been good for other parts of me too, including my skin and my voice. My singing has become clearer, which is good.

So my best friend, Lula, and I have decided that we cannot wait to dye Easter eggs. She suggested that we post pictures on facebook and tag this guy we unfortunately know in them. See, he's of a religion (I don't know a specific name for it, but it's a mix of beliefs) that is against such thing. He has tried to make a point to us that he believes most holidays are evil because they began as Pagan holidays. Now, I'm all for believing different things but he has issues because 1) he tries to push his religion on others (he says he doesn't, but he has done it to me and several of my friends) and 2) he believes he is absolutely right, everyone else is wrong and what he knows is the "truth." I'm sorry, if I offend anyone, but NO ONE KNOWS THE TRUTH. It's all faith, and faith is believing in something that can't necessarily be proven. He says he goes by the Bible, but honestly, the Bible was written by men-men who have personal biased. Not saying that the Bible is a great tool, but I can't live my life directly by it. The Bible also allows slavery, but we all know that slavery is wrong, now don't we? He just pisses me off because he just knows everything. Bull shit. Also, he brainwashed my friend. He says he never pressured her to change but before they started dating he told her that he didn't believe that they could work out if they had different beliefs. She was smitten with him, and never had dated anyone. She wanted to be with him, so of course that put pressure on her! Then there is the fact that she was going to go to college two hours away, but he is unwilling to ever move out of town and told her that they probably wouldn't work if they were separated. It's TWO hours. Seriously? That's not pressure? So what happens? They start dating. TWO months later, they get engaged. Her parents tell her that if they wait a year, they will help them pay for it. They don't because she wanted to get out of her parent's house (she would have gone to school in less than a month, thus being out of the house) and they get married three weeks after the engagement. RIFUCKINGDICULOUS. Now she has changed completely. She has taken on his beliefs, his everything. She is not even close to the same person. And now she's pregnant even though they live in his parent's house and work minimum wage jobs. They did it on purpose because they knew God would help them with finances. Um. I believe that God will help us, but you also have to help yourself. God can't do a whole lot for your money issues if you can't even support the two of you. Jesus Christ.

Sorry. That is my rant. It really fires me up. Call me a bitch. Call me whatever, but it's just a bad situation. Everyone knows it, but there's nothing we can do about it. I had to remove myself from the situation. I can't be around them. Besides, I don't want religion shoved down my throat constantly.

Phew. Done. Haha. I can't wait for spring break-two weeks! Well, I guess next Friday (the one after this one) I'm going to Helena for my best friend, Jacerai's birthday. I'm pretty excited to see everyone there. Lula's coming with me. She loves them too. And they love her. :) Then we're going to Dillon to see our friend, Kelly. Then we'll spend the rest of the week dying eggs, and seeing movies and writing music. Sounds like a plan to me!


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