Sunday, March 14, 2010

I can be pretty random, can't I?

So this week hasn't been very good for my diet. Or my will power. Probably was the cheeseburger and fries. Then I stole movie theatre popcorn from my cousin when we saw a movie because it's the best stuff in the world, and then I ate cheerios for breakfast. Damn myself. So I've plateaued. Damn it. Oh well, I'll fix and get my cravings under control. Usually it's just for a pb&j.

So moving on.

Have I told you that I'm in love with Shaun White? He's gorgeous and pretty badass. His hair...well, I'm freaking jealous. I know that's random, but I was just looking at my phone which has a picture of his new Rolling Stone cover on it. Hot. Go get it. :)

So Friday and Saturday I volunteered to run the sound board for this one man show that was coming to the college. His name is Hank Wittemore. The show is him talking about how he believes Edward de Vere is the real author of Shakespeare's, rather than the man from Stratford. It's pretty interesting and makes sense to me. Between him and my Shakespeare teacher, I'm pretty much convinced. It was my first time running board, but it was easy since there was only one mic. R showed me, and J showed me how put a mic on an actor so that I could could be one of their sound techies. I'm really going to miss it there next year. I feel like I totally fit there, and am respected, and am seen as a real theatre person. It's a total 360 from last year at Carroll. It's why I left because I just didn't click in there. I'm not afraid to get involved here or ask questions when I don't know. And I mean, how many other places can you be so comfortable with a teacher that they call you a slut? Haha. R called me that. It made me laugh because I'm not. :) I'm his stage manager for Evil Dead so I can give him a hard time-and I do. I'm really just comfortable there, which is just really awesome. And I love that they appreciate me. I mean, I've proved that I am dedicated, responsible and reliable, so they know they can count on me-which is great.

I wish it wasn't Sunday-don't want to go to escuela tomorrow. It's a long day. First class is at 9, last one ends at 5:20, and then rehearsal and 6. But it's cool, I'll survive. Plus I'm less likely to eat stuff I'm not supposed to when I'm at school.

I hope you all had a good morning-I don't know who I'm talking to...I don't even know if people read this...-but it you do, I hope you had fun!


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