Friday, April 8, 2011

Salt and Vinegar

Look at me! Only two days, and I'm doing another post! Aren't you proud of this little girl growing up?

So, I could bore you with my strange new desire to snack on salt and vinegar chips (Deep River Snacks brand) or delight myself with Diet Coke, but I don't think you'd necessarily care about any of that, so I'm just going to expand on my little cabaret...

So I don't remember what all I told you last time, but I guess I can just tell you my basic plan. I want a small, intimate stage with 10 stools, all the same height, because I'm hoping there will be 10 of us, and I'm very anal and want the same damn stools for everyone. So add that to the budget (stools, check.) I also think it would be incredibly awesome for each of us to have our own mics. This may be asking a lot though, but we're going to be shooting big here. You gotta have your dream budget, and your practical budget. What could be even more awesome? Wireless mics. Or even half and half. (Add a large budget for mics...) So each of the performers get the choice to do their own solo number, and then the rest of the time will be composed of whole group numbers, duets, trios, quintets, etc. It'll be a wide range of showtunes, some old as musical theatre itself (probably not, but we're not cutting them off), and some brand new. I'd love to do a number from a brand new musical that I just saw in previews about two weeks ago. It would be fantastic. I am a rock-musical enthusiast, so to ensure that that's not all we'll be doing, I am looking to the others to throw out some ideas. We all know that if I had my way, we'd be doing a lot of Spring Awakening, Rent, Hair, etc. Haha. I'm trying to keep it so we only do one song from any certain show. That may prove hard to do, especially with solo numbers, but we'll see. I'm really excited to get this going and settling in the numbers. It's going to be uberly awesome. Promise.

Also, if anybody knows someone (or if you are that someone) who could help me out with some design stuff, like on a website, or anything I'd need as a professional person (haha) then hit me up. I'll owe you when I become famous! :)


I'd also like to know what all y'all think of this font. I like it because it's similar to my handwriting, but I wanna know if everyone can read it.

This (link below) is like my online business card-all the ways you could ever want to get a hold of me on, minus Facebook, because I'm keeping that private, and sometime in the near future I'll create a fan page for me...once I get fans besides my mom (love you, Madre!). I'm just kidding. My friends are huge fans of me too. :)